The Designation of Origin Rueda and Plan Secreto S.L. are organizing the IX online short film festival FILM WITH RUEDA. The festival will be carried out on the website and on the festival’s YouTube channel.


People and entities of any nationality can take part. Participants must be over 18 years old. Each participant may send as many short films and WineSips as they wish. Neither employees of Plan Secreto S.L. nor of the Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin Rueda are allowed to participate.


Short Films. Fiction, documentary or animation with a minimun length of one minute and a maximum length of 10 minutes.

WineSip (New category). Vertical content with a mínimum lenght of 15 seconds and a máximum lenght of 60 seconds.

Each category will have its own awards.


Thematic Requirements – Short Films

All the short films presented to the competition must include, in the short, at least one bottle of white wine from the Rueda Designation of Origin. *Only bottles from the Rueda Designation Origin will be accepted. They can be identified through the back labels appearing in the following link: (Download back labels) The back label should have one of the new D.O. Rueda designs, as they can be seen in the image. If the back label has the old design, the organizers may decide whether to accept or not the short film in the competition. It is not essential that the back labels are shown in the film, but the bottle must be identifiable.

The labels can be modified for narrative purposes, but any modification must be approved by the Rueda Designation Origin. Animated short films should take a real bottle as a model, and the animated version must be approved by the Rueda Designation Origin.

The content of the short films is free, but the limitations indicated in the section “Other legal issues” must be respected.

    Technical Requirements – Short Films

    The short films will have a minimun length of one minute and a maximum length of 10 minutes (credits included), and must be subtitled in English, and also in Spanish if the film is in another language.

    The short films are to include the festival bumper, at the beginning and at the end of the short. The participants can choose the color of the bumper. The festival bumper must not be modified. (Download normal bumpers) (Download bumpers with inverted colours).

    The short films are to be sent in .mov or .mp4 format with H264 compression for video and AAC for audio. Recommended resolution: 1920 x 1080. Minimum resolution: 1280 x 720.

    The short films must not have been released or shown on any other media or channel apart from Film with Rueda until the winners of the competition are announced. Extended or shortened versions of other short films previously created will not be admitted. Short films presented at previous years of FILM WITH RUEDA will not be admitted.

    The shorts can be filmed in any location or natural setting, whether related to the Rueda Designation of Origin or not.

    In the case of any of the shorts being filmed at the installations of any of the D.O. Rueda wineries inscribed in this event and appearing in the guide attached in the following link, (Download Location Guide), they will also be eligible for the prize to the best short film in the wineries and vineyards of the D.O. The short films competing for this award must follow the instructions outlined in the “Filming in the wineries” section of these regulations.

    Finalists – Short Films

    The three shorts with the most “views” on the FILM WITH RUEDA YouTube channel will go directly through to the final. The rest of the short film finalists will be decided by the FILM WITH RUEDA organizers.

    When counting views, the organization may discard short films whose metrics indicate abnormal behavior or that may be suspected of manipulation.

    A jury made up of professionals from the sector will evaluate the short film finalistsand decide on the awards.

    Awards – Short Films

    There are three awards:

    • Best “FILM WITH RUEDA” SHORT FILM, receiving 5.000 euros, for which all the
      shorts accepted to the competition will be eligible.
    • “RUEDA ORIGIN” FILM, receiving 3.000 euros, to the best short either wholly or
      partially filmed in the D.O. Rueda wineries and/or vineyards appearing in the location
      2.000 euros. Short films whose director is studying at Cinema Schools or Universities
      and Education Cycles related to audiovisual studies in the year 2024 will be eligible for
      this award.

    In addition, the following mentions will be made in the short film category:

    • Best actor
    • Best actress
    • Best photography

    The organization will offer the participants a series of locations available for filming inthe wineries and vineyards of D.O. Rueda, which will allow them to be eligible for the“RUEDA ORIGIN” award. The shorts filmed in D.O. Rueda will be eligible for the BestShort Film Award too, and it may be the case that one short film wins both awards.

    The jury may grant a special mention to other short films if it considers this to be opportune.

    The short films winning a monetary prize must include a screen with the awards obtained and the FILM WITH RUEDA logo in the final copy, so that it appears in all subsequent dissemination.

    The winners of the three main awards will receive clicks for the online platform Click for Festivals, so they can submit the short film to other festivals. The winner of the Best FILM WITH RUEDA; short film award will get 25 clicks, and the «RUEDA ORIGIN FILM» and the best short film by a cinema student will get 10 clicks each.

    In the case of an ex-aequo prize, the economic endowment of the prize will be divided among the award winning films.

    The amounts indicated for the prizes with monetary reward are with taxes included, meaning that the tax deductions stipulated by the current legislation will be made.

    Registration and materials – Short Films

    Participants should send the following materials to the email

    • Registration form. (Download Registration Form)
    • Two photographs of the short film.
    • Poster, if they have one.
    • Short film in .mov or .mp4 format with H264 compression for video and AAC for
      audio. Recommended resolution: 1920 x 1080. Minimum resolution: 1280 x 720.
    • In the case of competing for the best short film by cinema and audio visual arts
      students, certificate of the training centre in which the director of the short film is

    In the case of short films directed by cinema and visual arts students, the organisers of FILM WITH RUEDA reserve the right to exclude participants undergoing studies deemed insufficient in terms of level, length or specialization, from this category, although this does not affect the right of these works to participate in other categories.

    Once the fulfillment of these conditions has been confirmed, the short films will be uploaded to the FILM WITH RUEDA YouTube channel and the website The films will be uploaded as they enter the contest, without waiting for the reception period to expire.

    Filming in the wineries

    Teams wishing to film in Rueda locations should contact the managers of the festival via the email, in order to coordinate this with their chosen wineries. They should send the script and an account of locations, dates, timetables and all the requirements for the smooth conduct of the filming. The filming will take place once the project has been approved and the availability of the selected winery confirmed.

    The filming must comply with the regulations in force at the time of recording and follow the instructions in this regard from the wineries and the Rueda con Rueda organization. Failure to comply with the regulations can lead to suspension of filming.

    In the case of short films shot in wineries belonging to the D.O. Rueda, the wine bottle featured in the short film must be from a brand within the D.O. Rueda of the same winery where it is filmed.

    Once complete, all the short films must be sent so that the organization can confirm fulfillment of the conditions and upload the shorts to the festival YouTube channel.


    Thematic Requirements – WineSip

    The WineSips are a new category aimed at promoting the inclusion of new formats in the festival. WineSips will be vertical-format content with a free theme, where the quality and originality of the proposal will be valued.

    WineSips will have a multi-platform character. The festival will upload them to the Rueda con Rueda social media channels. Once the piece is available on any of the festival’s channels, participants will be able to freely upload them to their own social media, tagging Film with Rueda.

    All the WineSips presented to the competition must include at least one bottle of white wine from the Rueda Designation of Origin. *Only bottles from the Rueda Designation Origin will be accepted. They can be identified through the back labels appearing in the following link: (Download back labels) The back label should have one of the new D.O. Rueda designs, as they can be seen in the image. If the back label has the old design, the organizers may decide whether to accept or not the WineSip in the competition. It is not essential that the back labels are shown in the film, but the bottle must be identifiable.

    The content of the WineSips is free, but the limitations indicated in the section “Other legal issues” must be respected.

      Technical Requirements – WineSip

      The WineSips will have a minimum lenght of 15 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds.

      WineSips will be submitted in .mp4 format. The format will be vertical, 9:16.

      WineSips in languages other than Spanish must be subtitled in Spanish.

      Participants cannot upload their WineSips to any of their own media or channels until the festival organization verifies that the piece complies with the rules and uploads it to the Rueda con Rueda channels. From that moment, participants will receive a notification from the festival and will be able to upload their pieces to their own social media.

      WineSips cannot have been published or seen on any other platform, social network, or channel other than «Film With Rueda» until the festival approves them. Expanded or reduced versions of other WineSips or previously made short films will not be accepted.

      WineSips can be filmed in any location or natural setting.

      Finalists – WineSip

      The finalists will be decided by the FILM WITH RUEDA organizers.

      Awards – WineSip

      • Three prizes of 500 € each are established, for which all WineSips submitted to this specific category will be eligible.

      In the case of an ex-aequo prize, the economic endowment of the prize will be divided among the award winning WineSips.

      The amounts indicated for the prizes with monetary reward are with taxes included, meaning that the tax deductions stipulated by the current legislation will be made.

      Registration and materials – WineSip

      Participants should send the following materials to the email

      Once the fulfillment of these conditions has been confirmed, the WineSips will be uploaded to the FILM WITH RUEDA social media. The WineSips will be uploaded as they enter the contest, without waiting for the reception period to expire.


      Reception of short films and WineSips will close on Wednesday October 2, 2024, at 13:00, Spanish peninsula time.


      The jury will be composed of various professionals from the audiovisual media.


      The participants must hold the distribution and broadcasting rights of their work (and certify them to the CRDO Rueda), including the soundtrack and the image rights of the persons appearing in the short film or WineSip, and exempt Designation of Origin Rueda and Plan Secreto S.L. from any responsibility in relation to this.

      The participating short films grant the rights to reproduce a segment of their short film, of up to one minute in duration, on the festival’s social media for promotional purposes.

        The prizewinning short films with monetary reward will cede the distribution and broadcasting rights for their work to Designation of Origin Rueda for any media and without exclusivity, including the Youtube channel. These short films will remain in the channel for at least two months after the end of the festival. After those two months, Film with Rueda may reach an agreement with the winners to remove their short films for a limited period of time in order to favor the distribution of the films in other film festivals. After that period, the short film will be available again in the Youtube channel.

        The short films which are not winners will be kept on Film with Rueda’s YouTube channel unless the participant expressly requests it to be removed.

        Once published, the WineSips will remain on the festival’s social media and cannot be removed.


        Given the Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin Rueda’s social commitment to responsible consumption, they reserve the authority to refuse admission to the competition by short films or WineSips which:

        1. Include scenes with abusive consumption of wine or other alcoholic drinks.
        2. Include scenes in which any kind of drugs appear.
        3. Include scenes in which, while the product —alcoholic beverages— does not appear, it is suggested that consuming them gives rise to situations of enjoyment, loss of inhibition, sexual, work, sporting or other success, or generates attitudes which are violent, sexist or inappropriate in any way, or which depict the fact of not consuming as synonymous with failure or maladjustment. Similar situations produced by the consumption of any kind of drugs will not be admitted to the competition either.
        4. Include drinks with a recognisable brand which does not belong to the Designation of Origin Rueda.
        5. Include scenes of alcohol or drug consumption by underage persons, pregnant women or people undergoing medical treatment, —for which alcohol is contraindicated.
        6. Show scenes of abusive alcohol consumption followed by driving scenes in any kind of vehicle.
        7. Show scenes of explicit sex.
        8. Are explicitly aimed at an underage audience.
        9. Are produced or directed by persons underage.
        10. The organisation reserves the right to withdraw any video which it does not consider suitable to the objectives of the FILM WITH RUEDA competition.

        The Designation of Origin Rueda is launching the FILM WITH RUEDA competition so that new cinema talents can develop their creativity and authenticity, which does not imply that it either supports or shares the point of view of all the messages implicit in the works presented to the competition. While granting this thematic freedom to the authors, the limitations brought together in these conditions only reflect the intention to comply with the current legislation and to the Self-regulation Code to which the
        Designation of Origin Rueda is submitted.

        FILM WITH RUEDA reserves the right to carry out modifications to the present conditions and to add successive annexes concerning the way it works and the prizes, as long as these are justified, are not prejudicial to the participants and are duly communicated during the course of the Competition.


        Participation in the festival assumes the full acceptance of the present conditions. “In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December on personal data protection, we hereby inform you that all the personal data obtained during the accomplishment of this competition, will be incorporated into an automated or manual file containing personal data. The recipients of the information contained in
        the file shall be the supervisors of the different departments at PLAN SECRETO, S.L. with registered office at Calle Mariano de los Cobos, 43 D, Valladolid, who, as the party responsible for the file, guarantees your rights to access, amendment, cancellation and opposition of the data provided. It also undertakes the commitment to respect your confidentiality in the use of the data included in the file and to use it in accordance with the purpose of the file.”